The files in this directory,/home/eos/[YYYY]/met/processed, were created by concatenating files in /home/eos/ In addition, the "raw" files were examined before concatenating and in a number of instances it appeared that the logger had a glitch when trying to download a set of data because the last line would be incomplete, but that same line (ie., same date/time) would appear at the beginning of the next file. When the two files were concatenated, the incomplete line was removed (note no data was lost). Occasionally, a line would be repeated numerous times in the raw file. The repeats were removed in the concatenated file. NOTE: Spurious data, such as voltages that got recorded even though the sensor was turned off, were NOT removed from these files. (However, they WERE removed when the data were entered into the MS Access Snow Hydro EOS database.) Rick Kattelmann is most knowledgable about this data. This file created by D. Donahue, 10/8/97, based on a conversation with Rick. NOTE: In Dec. 2001, the wy96.txt and wy96b.txt files were split into month files (called mmsa1996-01.dat etc). These files were used as input into the MMSA SQL Server database which replaces the old database.